Knowing how many workdays are in a month might sound trivial, but it’s quite important for business owners. This information is essential not just for managing your team’s workload or organizing schedules but also for keeping an accurate measure of progress.
On top of that, understanding the number of business days each month can impact your financial results directly. Mistaking calendar days for working days could easily disrupt work-life balance or lead to unexpected costs. That’s why it’s crucial to know the ins and outs of working hours and the distinctions between different types of days.
In this guide, we’ll break down the concepts of workdays, workweeks, and work months to help you gain better control over how workloads are managed and finances are calculated.
What is a Working Day?
A working day refers to a day when an employee is scheduled to work or actually works. While there are 365 days in a year, only around 260 of these are working days due to weekends, holidays, and other factors. This number can vary depending on the region and industry.
How Many Hours is a Work Day?
Most workdays consist of approximately eight hours, but this can vary depending on the industry and company policies.
• “Nine to Five” Workday: Generally refers to an eight-hour workday, though the exact hours may vary.
• 24-Hour Workday: Companies with flexible schedules, like customer support units, may implement 24-hour shifts to provide continuous service.
Some states have overtime laws that mandate higher pay rates for hours worked beyond a certain threshold. For example, overtime starts after eight hours in California and Nevada, while in Colorado, it begins after 12 hours.

What is a Working Week?
Traditionally, a working week runs from Monday to Friday. In the U.S., a standard work week consists of 40 hours, and any hours worked beyond that are considered overtime. The consistency of weekends helps teams that only work on weekdays to plan without worrying about time zone differences.
Working Month vs. Calendar Month
A calendar month includes all the days of the month, while a working month consists only of working days. For example, in January 2025, there are 31 days, with eight weekend days and two public holidays:
• January 1 (Wednesday): New Year’s Day
• January 20 (Monday): Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Thus, there are 21 working days in January 2025.

How Many Working Days Are There in 2025?
The number of working days in a year is crucial for effective business planning, whether it’s managing finances, scheduling tasks, or setting goals. In 2025, there are approximately 250 working days, depending on holidays and weekends.
This estimate considers weekends and public holidays when calculating the working days. For instance, if there are 11 public holidays and 104 weekend days (52 weeks), the remaining days are working days. Adjusting for specific holidays or additional days off in your region is necessary for more accurate planning.
How Many Working Days Are There in a Year?
On average, there are 250 working days in a year. This can be calculated by subtracting public holidays from the total number of weekdays throughout the year. For example, in 2025, there are a total of 261 weekdays, and after subtracting public holidays, approximately 250 working days remain.
Some other factors to consider are:
- Paid time off (PTO)
- Country-specific holidays
- Emergencies

Using a shared team calendar is an effective way to manage working days, track leaves, and synchronize with payroll. Such tools can help you better plan workloads and create a balanced work environment.
Knowing the number of working days is essential for managing workloads, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balanced work environment. Whether you are managing an office-based or remote team, effectively managing working days plays a key role in creating a healthy work atmosphere.