On this page, you can take a look at the performance data of your employees on a monthly basis. This data is shown in the month-by-performance graphs.
You can click the "Download Screenshot" button to download these graphics to your device in PDF format.
To download these data listed in the charts as an Excel report, you can click the "Download Excel Report" button.
You can filter by company and year on these charts listed.
Downloading an Excel Report #
If you want to download the data listed on the Performance page as an Excel report, you need to click on the "Download report" button in the upper right corner of the page. (Be sure to select an account before downloading the report.)
Excel Report #
In the Excel report you downloaded; The useful / useless and idle time of the personnel belonging to the selected company on a monthly basis is listed. Of this data that is listed, percentages are calculated, and cells are populated in representative colors.
This table includes the staff members' Perwatch points, achievement, useful/useless, uncertain and non-functional periods. These periods given are added to the table with their percentages.
Perwatch score of a staff member; 4 points per minute for useful activities done by the staff, 1 point for uncertain activities and 0 points for useless / dysfunctional activities. These assessed points are added to the employee's monthly Perwatch score at the end of one month.
Time and Percentage of Success #
- Duration of success; refers to the total duration of useful and uncertain activities that the staff member has done in a month.
- Success percentage; refers to the percentage of the success time of the personnel to the working hours defined for the selected company. If this rate is 75 percent or higher, the inside of the cell is painted dark green, if it is between 50 and 74, it is colored light green, if it is between 30-49, it is yellow and if it is between 1-29, it is painted red. No calculation is made for values that are 0.
Useful/Useless Times and Percentages #
- Useful/Useless periods; refers to the duration of the useful/useless activities that the personnel have done within a month.
- Beneficial/Useless percentages; The useful/useless time of the staff refers to the percentage ratio to a particular formula.
Indefinite duration and percentages #
- Indefinite duration; refers to the duration of unspecified uncertain activities that the personnel have done in a month, which are not defined as useful/useless.
- Indeterminate percentage; the indefinite duration of the staff is put into a certain formula and refers to the percentage rate.
Dysfunctional duration and percentages; #
- Duration of non-functionality; refers to the non-functional (idle) time of the device belonging to the selected personnel within one month.
- Percentage of nonfunctional; the non-functional time of the selected staff member is put into a certain formula and refers to the percentage rate.